
This section shows how to specify the logistics which products will be shipped together in one package (bundle).

Typically each order has a single package, but sometimes several orders can have a single package.

Indicate which of the products in the basket should be sent together to the same package, reduces shipping costs and speeds up logistics operations.

The bundle management has been designed in this way.


Allows you to select the products in the cart that will be sent in a single package.

This call require two fields:

  1. items. A list of products (id_basket) to be shipped in one package
  2. shipping_item. The product with the shipping address to use. This value must be selected only inside the item list.


With this call, the system creates:

    • on an external table, a copy of the address to send the products
    • on a basket products selected, a link to this address

In this way all the bundle address changes will run only to the bundle linked address , leaving intact the original address, which will be restored simply removing a product from the bundle.


Lists all bundles in your cart, indicating the bundle code and all items associated with it


Allows to add or remove products to the bundle.

If during bundle changes, shipping_item id remain the same, all changes to bundle linked address remain valid.

If the shipping_item id changes, the new reference address overwrite the existing one and all changes to bundle linked address will be lost.


Remove completely a bundle.

This call delete the bundle linked address and remove the link on the basket products.

After performing this call the products will return to show the original addresses.


Removes one or more products to the bundle.

  • If the shipping_item is the same already in use, then all changes made to the bundle linked address remain valid.
  • If the shipping_item changes, the new reference address overwrite the existing one and all changes to bundle linked address will be lost..
  • If you remove the product to which it is assigned the shipping_item then select a new one is required. All changes will be lost at

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