
The goal of this guide is to implement an API communication between the wholesaler and her special selected clients.


  • All API connections are based on the https protocol and Json language. The choice for this ensures maximum safety and the necessary compatibility with other heterogeneous terminals and databases. The protocol provides calls to the webservices (hereafter WS) with the POST method and the data is sent from the field with the tag name= “data”.

  • The test WS is available at:https://dev and use  TLS1.2 Protocol as Secure Trasport Layer
  • The WS handles the request and supplies the answer in line with the request

  • For all the messages send and received there are some fixed fields required.
    • To request data, we need the authentication data. You can find this at the section Login,
    • To receive data, we will look at the outcomes of the requests and the possible errors.

The received messages have the following three fields:


  "success" : true|false,

  "rc"      : INT - "0": success; "minore di 0" error; "1": messaggio di testo arbitrario.

  "message" : "Il messaggio è presente sono se rc != 0"


At the requests of MultiItems the following three fields will inform the client if the request was succesfully or not.

If a required field was not filled in correctly the following error will show:


  "success" : false,

  "rc"      : 6

  "message" : "The field {0} is mandatory"


If the WS returns the following error  “404 Not Found The page that you have requested could not be found.

means that the POST - JSON request is not complete or well-formed .

Before you can use the API you need to register on the Registration Form and wait to be enabled.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create iPhone web-based documentation